Youth / Scholarships Info
As part of our commitment to our communities, Socorro Electric Cooperative offers several Youth Programs that provide educational opportunities to young people in our service territory. Our Youth Programs include, college scholarships, sponsorship for Washington D.C. youth tour and electrical safety trainings.
Coloring Contest
Contest Details
As a member of New Mexico Marketing and Member Services Association, Socorro Electric Cooperative participates in sponsoring a Safety Coloring Contest for Grades 2,3 and 4 in the elementary schools throughout our service territory. The child's parent or guardian must be an active member of Socorro Electric Coop.
SEC awards prizes to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place overall winners.
The 1st place winner's poster is sent to compete with other winners from electric cooperatives around the state of New Mexico. Prizes at the New Mexico Statewide Level are:1st Place - $250.00 cash, 2nd Place - $200.00 cash, 3rd Place - $150.00 cash.
Socorro Electric awards are:
1st Place - $100.00 Cash
2nd Place -$75.00 Cash
3rd Place - $50.00Cash
2025 SEC Annual Safety Coloring Contest Winners
Each year, the SEC Foundation sponsors a Safety Coloring Contest Poster to help elementary-age children learn about the dangers of electricity.
Each year, the poster has a different safety message. This year's safety message was NEVER mix water with electricity.
As an incentive to participate, the SEC Foundation provides 3 finishers with gift cards!
The 2025 winners are:
- 1st Place - Emry Montoya, 4th Grader at Cottonwood Valley Charter School
- 2nd Place - Natalie Rodriguez, 3rd grader at Midway Elementary
- 3rd Place - Jaylen Lucero, 3rd grader at Midway Elementary
Electric Cooperative Youth Tour
Youth Tour 2025
June 16-21, 2025 in Washington, DC
Deadline to submit Official Entry Form is November 8, 2024 @ 4:30pm
Our 5 winners for the 2025 Youth Tour were:
Austin Orthman from Quemado High School
Matthew Lopez from Magdalena High School
Steven Johnson from Quemado High School
Iliana Perez from Socorro High School
Kailyn Woods from Socorro High School

Contest Details:
Socorro Electric Cooperative will sponsor 5 students, one from each high school in our service territory: Socorro High School, Belen High School, Quemado High School, Magdalena High School, Alamo Navajo High School or a home-schooled student, each year to Washington D.C. on the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour, held each June.
The Electric Cooperative Youth Tour has taken high school students to Washington, D.C., every June since the late 1950s. Students on the tour learn about electric cooperatives, American history, and U.S. government, and walk away with a greater understanding of their roles as citizens. It is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE!
Contest Rules:
- You must be a dependent of an active Socorro Electric Cooperative member with account in good standing.
- You must be a high school sophomore or junior who is, attending a high school or being home-schooled in SEC's service territory.
- Submit an Entry Form and a 500 word essay as outlined in the Entry form on this page
Scholarship Awards
It is the hope of the Board of Trustees that this program will motivate young students whose parents or guardians are Members of, and reside in, the service area of The Socorro Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SEC), to continue their education.
The Socorro Electric Foundation (Foundation) Scholarships, will be awarded per semester in an amount to be determined by the board of the Foundation to high school graduates, including homeschooled students, who are enrolled and accepted as a Freshman in an institution of higher learning in the Fall after their Senior year.
Relatives of SEC employees are eligible to apply for a scholarship.
The immediate family (son/daughter) of trustees and the CEO will not be eligible to participate in the scholarship program.
An applicant must:
- Have parent(s) or legal guardian(s) who: have been members of SEC for a minimum of 180 days from due date of application; have a residential account (business or yard light only accounts do not qualify); currently reside in the service area; and are Members in good standing – that is Members who do not have any outstanding balance on either active or inactive accounts by the submittal deadline.
- Have been accepted into an institution of higher learning; being a college, university, vocational or technical school accredited by the State or other qualified agency.
- There will be no discrimination due to race, color, creed or in any form in the selection of the recipient.
- Interested home-schooled or high school Seniors must submit a completed Foundation application packet to SEC for consideration as a recipient.
- The SEC Board of Trustees reserves the right to ratify all awards.
- This award will be presented by the President of the SEC Board of Trustees or his/her designated representatives.
- Applications must be received no later than the first Monday in April of each year to the SEC offices by the close of business that day.
- Funds will be controlled at all times by the Foundation.
- Prior to any scholarship awards being forwarded to a recipient’s chosen higher education institution for their FIRST semester, a recipient must provide a copy of their official registration reflecting their status as a full-time student to SEC. Funds cannot be released for any subsequent semester until SEC receives an official final grade report for the most recently completed semester AND verification of full-time enrollemnt in the following eligible semester. These documents must be received EACH YEAR no later than January 15 for the preceeding Fall semester, and by June 15 for the preceding Spring semester. Electronic versions of these documents are acceptable.
- Payment of the scholarship awards will be paid to the higher education institution by the second week in September and February for the Fall and Spring Semesters, respectively.
- Scholarship funds may be used for tuition, housing, meal plans, school fees or other educational expenses.
- A recipient must carry a sufficient number of hours to qualify as a full-time student with their institution.
- If a recipient drops out of their higher education institution, the remaining balance of the scholarship funds will be forfeited.
- If a recipient is committing to a religious mission, military service or public service, the funds will be held no longer than two (2) years following the awarding of a scholarship, before they must be utilized. Proof of commitment must be submitted to SEC no later than the 3rd week of June following graduation of high school. These recipients will be placed in a “deferred status” and the amount of the award for a deferred recipient will be based on the availability of funds at the time of disbursement.
The amount and distribution of scholarship awards will be determined by the Foundation as (a) it deems it in the best interest of the Cooperative; and (b) as financial resources of the Foundation permits.
In the event of a default by any recipient, for any reason, their award may be awarded to an “alternate recipient” that will be selected by the Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee.
To be considered for a scholarship, applicants must complete, and submit an application package found here.