Area Lights
Socorro Electric Cooperative now offers energy-efficient LED area light fixtures!
Socorro Electric Cooperative now offers energy-efficient LED area lighting fixtures!
Led lights use significantly less power than High-Pressure Sodium lights.
LED lights last longer and reduce needed maintenance and replacement.
LED lights provide brighter more uniform lighting, improving visibility.
LED lights are eco-friendly, reducing carbon footprints, greenhouse gas emissions, and light pollution while being recycled and mercury-free.
SEC LED Rates –
31-Watt LED $10.98/fixture/per month
50-Watt LED $11.56/fixture/per month
115-Watt LED $13.44/fixture/per month
199-Watt LED $16.38/fixture/per month
Socorro Electric Cooperative will no longer install, replace, or repair existing High-Pressure Sodium area lights. This is because parts and fixtures are no longer available, and the lights are now obsolete.
If you have an existing HPS light that needs to be repaired, it will be replaced with a new LED fixture. A newly signed one (1) year area light contract will be required.
*If you currently have an area light installed on your meter pole, the area light will not be replaced or repaired. This will require a site visit to relocate and install an LED fixture on a Socorro Electric Cooperative pole.
Please contact our office at 800-351-7575 for more information or if you have any questions.