Renewable Energy
Socorro Electric Cooperative, Inc. is offering a “green power” program to its member-consumers. This program helps the advancement of renewable energy sources and promotes energy efficiency.
Under the program, SEC’s consumers can purchase electricity generated by renewable resources such as hydroelectric, biomass or wind power. Program participants can support renewable energy development by purchasing 100-kilowatt-hour blocks per month at $0.10 per block.
SEC’s power supplier, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, provides the renewable energy under a green power program it has had in place since 1998. Tri-State provides green power for SEC from a number of different sources. Wind generation is the major source of that power, but it also receives a portion of its renewable portfolio from several small hydroelectric projects, as well as biomass facilities that utilize animal waste to create methane to fuel small generating plants.
Tri-State recently launched a new web site that provides information on its program and the different types of renewable energy. To learn more, electric co-op consumers can visit the site at
Members of SEC can subscribe to the green power program by completing the "Optional Resource Rider Intent to Purchase Application" form.
Renewable Energy Development
SEC is exploring the possibility of local development of Renewable Energy and other related projects that will create a sustainable energy portfolio for the Cooperative and its members, bring opportunities for long term community economic development, and place the Cooperative on a sound energy footing for the future.
The Renewable Energy sources of interest are large scale photovoltaic, multi-unit wind energy and geothermal energy. These are mature or maturing technologies and in use by other Cooperatives or commercial enterprises in various parts of New Mexico. In addition, the low price, abundance and easy availability of natural gas and make consideration of a combined cycle electrical generation facility worth consideration. Natural gas fueled facilities are also in place in various parts of New Mexico. A variety of funding sources and business models for all these projects is available and will be explored.
Renewable Energy Purchases
In 2023, the Socorro Electric Cooperative purchased 801,474 kWh of renewable energy. The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission Rule 17.9.572.23(k), requires the cooperative to report to the Membership annually on renewable energy purchased on behalf of our Members. Renewable Energy means electric energy generated by means of a low or zero emissions generation technology with substantial long-term production potential and generated by use of renewable energy resources that may include solar, wind, or hydropower resources.
Questions or comments about renewable energy? Email us at
Interconnect Program
To support and encourage the installation of Net-Metered renewable generation projects in SEC’s service territory and to promote a non-subsidized renewable Net-Metering program.
Members interconnecting to any Socorro Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SEC) Distribution Circuit will pay an application fee of $50.00 for any system up to 10kW, and $50.00 plus $1 per kW for facilities greater than 10 kW.
Members interconnecting to a SEC Distribution Circuit will be responsible for one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of any necessary upgrades (if required), to the SEC Distribution Circuit which may include a larger transformer. Members interconnecting to a SEC Distribution Circuit will be responsible for one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of interconnection energy flow studies (if required) not including the application fee.
Only renewable systems may be connected to the renewable Net-Meter. All qualifying facility systems must be stand-alone and must be interconnected at a SEC Net-Metering location.
Interconnection of mechanical combustion generators will not be allowed behind the Net-Meter.
The aggregation of excess Net-Metered energy will not be allowed. Only the Net-Metering location will be credited and paid for any excess energy produced.
All Net-Meter members will be paid at the SEC Avoided Cost Rate as filed with the NMPRC annually, for excess energy received to a SEC distribution circuit. When the excess energy credits exceeds $50.00 for any billing month, a check will be issued to the Member for that account.
Net-Meter renewable interconnections must comply with NMPRC Rules 17.9.568, 569 and 570
While some Members have a REC meter on their renewable system, SEC no longer participates in the payment of REC's from any interconnected renewable system.
The Net-Meter is the property of the SEC which meters all energy delivered to, and received from, the a Member.
Download Interconnect Application Agreement here. *
*(If you are looking at something over 10kW, a more extensive application process and different fees will apply.)